M.S (Gen.Sur)., MCH (Neuro)
Neuro Surgeon
Opening Time
Monday to Saturday (4.00PM -8PM)
For Out Patient Booking
Dr. K. Balasubramani is trained in surgical Neurology. He did MBBS from Government Stanley Medical College, Chennai in 2003 and MS (General surgery) from Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai and MCH (Neuro) from Madras medical college Chennai. He did a fellowship in Complex spinal Surgery in Amrita Institute, There after he worked as a Junior Consultant in Tamilnadu Government Multi Specialty Hospital from 2014 to 2015. And currently practicing as a consultant Neuro Surgeon in Care 24 Medical Centre. He has the expertise to carry out all kinds of Neuro and spinal surgery.
Expertised in
- Diagnosis and treatment of all Neuro surgical Emergencies
- Traumatic brain injury
- Skull /Skull bone injuries
- Intracranial bleeding
- Stroke surgeries
- Spine injuries
- Diagnosis and treatment of brain & Spine infection
- Diagnosis and treatment of brain & spine tumors
- Complex spine surgeries including C1 / C2 fixation / Scoliosis /Complex degenerative cases
Endovascular Neuro Surgery:
- Coiling for Aneurysm
- Middle Meningeal Artery Embolization for Chronic SDH
- Stenting for carotid stenosis /subclavian curvy stenosis
- Thrombectomy for blood clot in brain blood vessels -stroke
Academic Activities
- Attended World Congress of Neurosurgery in Seoul, South Korea and presented a talk on “Anterior approach to complex Cervico Dorsal Tuberculosis - our Experience” on Sep12/2013
- Presented a poster titled “A Concomitant tuberculosis & pyogenic spondylodiscitis” on World Federation of Neurological Society (WFNS) in Istanbul on Aug2017
- Presented a poster titled “A rare presentation of Concomitant cervical myelopathy & sacral Chordoma” on World Federation of Neurological Society (WFNS) in Istanbul on Aug2017
- Presented a poster titled “Factors predicting outcome after surgery inpost meningitic hydrocephalus” on World Federation of Neurological Society (WFNS) in Istanbul on Aug2017
- Presented a paper entitled “Circumferential tuberculosis & pyogenic spondylodiscitis” on World Federation of Neurological Society (WFNS} in Istanbul on Aug2017.
- Presented a paper entitled “Management of rare & complicated spinaltumors in a peripheral hospital” on World Federation of Neurological Society (WFNS) in Istanbul on Aug 2017
Successfully Done
- 750 Emergency craniotomy procedure for Head injury.
- 200 Emergency craniotomy for stroke intracranial bleeding
- 200 Cervical spine surgeries
- 300 Lumbar spine surgeries
- Experienced in Scoliosis Correction Surgeries, C1/C2 Fusion Surgeries